The Problem with Reliance Upon Adtech

My dad, who was a union man, always said about the union, “The only promise the union truly delivers is that you’ll make exactly the same amount of money as the dumbest guy that was hired the same day you were.” A unique perspective from a lifelong Teamster. I see Adtech platforms in much the…

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Now Isn’t the Time to Waste Marketing Dollars

As things begin to reopen, they will do so slowly. Knowing the difference between those who are ready and willing to wander out into the world (and doing so) and those likely to stay home for a bit longer will directly drive the ROI on your marketing spend. Targeting actual buyers vs simply trying to…

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Marketing Conferences brought to you by…

It never ceases to amaze me how many marketers flock to conferences, genuinely believing they are about to discover the latest and greatest in the marketing world. In reality, what they’re about to discover is whatever the sponsor has paid for them to discover. Nothing more. Nothing less. Marketing strategies that were once effective and…

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If the horse and buggy never gave way to the car…

That’s what today’s marketing industry is like. Even though the vast majority of marketing dollars are spent in the digital space, traditional marketing firms have convinced the business world they are still necessary in order to achieve sales growth. But if you really think about it, they aren’t. Not at all. All they do is…

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Is your marketing firm competing with you?

It’s unbelievable how many firms will sign a client and then sign another client in the exact same vertical market, competing in the exact same geographical market. Either they think you’re stupid or they have no confidence they can dominate a market for you. Both traditional and digital agencies are guilty of doing this. Sure,…

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The Ad Agency model is screwing you (and they know it).

Allowing an ad agency to deploy your digital strategy makes about as much sense as having your plumber build your deck. Sure, he might be able to do it, but he can’t do it as well as he plumbs, and he definitely can’t do it as well as an actual deck builder. Traditional agencies have…

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Branding Has Its Place

Unfortunately, its place is in 2010. I know, I know, branding is still popular. But you know what else is still popular? Skinny jeans. Man buns. Branding is like the man bun of marketing. Just face it, nobody gives a crap what you say about your own company. We get it, you think you’re awesome!…

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