Is your marketing firm competing with you?

It’s unbelievable how many firms will sign a client and then sign another client in the exact same vertical market, competing in the exact same geographical market. Either they think you’re stupid or they have no confidence they can dominate a market for you. Both traditional and digital agencies are guilty of doing this. Sure,…

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If you ride in the left lane, everyone hates you

Anyone who is friends with me on Facebook knows how I feel about this. I often share pictures of drivers going the speed limit having to get out of the left lane to pass someone going below the speed limit in the passing lane. It drives me nuts! It is quite possibly the most inconsiderate…

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Can we talk about stop lights?

To be clear, if you are turning left at a stop light, get your ass out into the intersection. Don’t sit at the line and just wait for the next green light. When you do that, you’re screwing the person behind you. It is perfectly legal for two cars to clear the intersection and turn…

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The Ad Agency model is screwing you (and they know it).

Allowing an ad agency to deploy your digital strategy makes about as much sense as having your plumber build your deck. Sure, he might be able to do it, but he can’t do it as well as he plumbs, and he definitely can’t do it as well as an actual deck builder. Traditional agencies have…

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Branding Has Its Place

Unfortunately, its place is in 2010. I know, I know, branding is still popular. But you know what else is still popular? Skinny jeans. Man buns. Branding is like the man bun of marketing. Just face it, nobody gives a crap what you say about your own company. We get it, you think you’re awesome!…

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Pay-to-play is corrosive

I get it, every Business Journal in the country has some element of pay-to-play. Unfortunately, ours here in Youngstown, Ohio is pay-to-play to the point of harming its credibility and harming local businesses. When companies make national news but cannot get any play with their local business journal, that speaks volumes about the publication’s exclusionary…

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