
" It’s not that I know more than everyone else, I just have the guts to say what many are afraid to say or admit.
Often there’s a very fine line between fact and satire. It’s up to you to know the difference.


The Truth On Fire is Back!

A lot has happened in the last couple of years here at Specificity. The whole digital landscape has changed as a matter of fact, and we have stayed ahead of the curve. We’ve done so while, at the same time, taking our company public (SPTY, OTCQB). But one thing that has remained the same is the amount of bullshit peddled by ad agencies and digital marketing firms along with all the nefarious shit oozing out of big tech and big social. We’ve stayed on top of that as well!

I launched The Truth On Fire as a vehicle to point out, in a very direct way, all of the things wrong with the marketing and social technology space and offer some common sense perspective on how to navigate through these very muddled waters. It’s complicated by their design. The less you know and the more complex it seems, the more BS they can shove down your tailpipe without anyone getting wise.

The Truth On Fire Blog

- Featured Article -

The Problem with Reliance Upon Adtech

My dad, who was a union man, always said about the union, “The only promise the union truly delivers is that you’ll make exactly the same amount of money as the dumbest guy that was hired the same day you were.” A unique perspective from a lifelong Teamster. I see Adtech platforms in much the same way. The only promise Adtech platforms deliver is that you if you get good at using them, you’ll be exactly as good as your competition. No better. You’ll have no edge or proprietary advantage.

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Meet Jason A. Wood

Jason A. Wood is the CEO and owner of Specificity Inc., the largest digital marketing firm in his market. Originally from Kansas City, Jason attended the University of Missouri on a full athletic scholarship for diving, which helped instill a strong drive for success in the other areas of his life. He graduated with a B.S. in Marketing and a minor in Giving No F*cks.

Jason has been in the marketing game for 20 years, all of which have led him to one conclusion: the marketing space is always changing, and if you don’t grow with those changes you’ll be left for dead on the side of the road.

"I call it like I see it and while I acknowledge I’m not always 100% right, I think you’ll find I’m almost never 100% wrong. I’m a marketer. I’ve sat in all the marketing positions and I’ve seen decisions being made from every chair at the table. I’ve been the worker-bee marketer, the marketing director, the CMO, the CEO and the agency owner. I’ve vetted marketing strategies from every perspective. I’ve failed and I’ve hit homeruns. I’ve learned.

So sit back and take it all in. Feel free to disagree, argue and call me names! I can take it, I’ve got broad shoulders. Just make sure that if you dish it out, you can take it back. We are no-holds-barred at The Truth On Fire!" 

- Jason. A. Wood

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